Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Humpty dumpty sat on the wall

So i hear 'AMBULANCE'...

Wonder whats going on.
Walk out the front and see an old lady slumped over her chair.
I thought she was dead.
I honestly could not move.

If your in a situation like this hope to god im not the only person there.

What made me more angry then anything is the people sitting around her who continued to eat their meals like it was completely normal for an elderly lady to pass out and have a fit at lunch time.
I felt like saying to them "does that happen often were you live? Do you live in a nursing home or something because you didnt even bat an eyelid?'...

Good on the old duck though she did get a free lunch out of it.

Hang on a minute..
Maybe she forgot her wallet or had no money and spent the whole time wondering how she could get out of paying for the meal.
And thought shit ill just fake a fit and scare the shit out of the dishwasher.

Thank you lady.

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